Addressing White Supremacy Culture in the Workplace | TEDx Talks

This year, Sean A. Watkins, founder and the owner of Agency of Joy, travelled back to Michigan State University, their alma mater, to deliver their first-ever TEDx talk.

You can now watch their talk, “The Game We Didn’t Know We Were Playing” on the TEDx YouTube page.

A Message From Sean:

This talk was and still is, a special milestone moment for me. When I started my career over a decade ago, I had never heard the term “white supremacy culture,” yet experienced a yearbook’s worth of its traits firsthand. What an emotional experience it was to go back and share my story with this audience and the world, but I’m so glad I did.

I started Agency of Joy to help others share their stories, but also to share my story. This moment is the culmination of years of love, hard work, healing, lessons, and losses, but most of all, it is a testimony of my commitment to joy and a collectively liberated world.

You can watch my TEDx Talk in full now on YouTube. Please be sure to like, comment, and share the video to support storytelling from more Black queer, trans, and nonbinary people.

Thank you to the organizers of TEDxMSU for having me and to my loved ones who have supported me along the journey.

-Sean A. Watkins

Portrait graphic of Sean A. Watkins over TEDxMSU logo background. Right hand side text reads: Sean A. Watkins / The Game We Didn't Know We Were Playing | TEDx Talks